Dear Dennis Letters

B.I.L.Y. Founder Dennis Poncher Answers Readers' EMail Questions

woman typing at a computer

Dennis loves to hear from both parents and youth and tries to answer every email he receives. You are welcome to ask him a question HERE.

Dear Dennis:

I found your web address in an article in the local newspaper. I went on the web and found it very interesting. I was wondering if there is a B.I.L.Y. support group in the Louisville, Kentucky area. I would be very interested in participating in it with my son. He is now in jail...

Dear Dennis:

I just read about your organization in the Annie's Mailbox column in my local newspaper. Unfortunately no meetings are close enough to me in CA.

My question for you is that I haven't seen or heard from my 34-year-old son in 15 months, and yesterday he texts me, my husband, and his...

Dear Dennis:

What a lifesaver this program has been for me! When my adult child came back home to live, with the support of my group I was able to set boundaries/rules and establish goals to help him get back on feet. It worked! Thank you B.I.L.Y.!!! — Marie

Hi Marie:

I am so happy for you...

Dear Dennis:

Sussex County is plagued with heroine addictions! There really is no help available to the addicts or parents. We're losing our kids!

I tried a family/parent Anon group which was one hour away, but that didn't work for me. It felt more like a hopeless group. WE NEED B.I.L.Y. I...

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